linda bennett, metaphysically speaking

Linda Bennett
Non-Sectarian minister | Spiritual &
“Lifetimes” Psychic Counselor

You can have Light in your life
without dark

There’s no law that states there can’t be one without the other. Truth.

How do I know this?

It’s a Knowing that doesn’t need belief to back it up, that is the message of the great spiritual teachers that have come through the ages to teach us.. because we are each are a spark of God (or whichever label you prefer to use).

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” - Aristotle

Once you allow the Universal Knowing, your way becomes clear and you can release whatever the dark is holding you back.

Are you ready to stop feeling so lost? To stop searching and seeking but not finding the answers to all your questions? Are you ready to find the peace you once had before your life turned upside down?

If you’re currently plagued by confusion and you feel there’s more to life than what you’re living, then you’re in the right place.

I’m Linda Bennett, a natural-born psychic. I help you to relieve your suffering, let go of the past and find direction through my one-to-one psychic & spiritual readings.

If you’re are open and you’re ready and willing to do the work required then anything is possible with the right guidance.

Let me help you find your own deep knowing through my psychic connection and open the doors to the life you really want.